Sunday 23 February 2014


Overall I feel this has been a successful project. it took a while for me to gather ideas together and come to terms with my concept but i feel i have much developed my work since then. 

I found it challenging working on a live brief, as I  had to work to the designer/commissioners specifications and brief and couldn't take it in to my own direction. I feel this has helped me understand and give me direction of what i want to do in the outside world. I struggled with time management on this brief and only managed to get half the samples done in the end, but i spent alot of time and alot of effort went into those samples. 

I think my own project was successful in that it was a broad subject and i took it into a few different directions, which helped when it came to discovering my colour pallet and selecting techniques. 

If i have learnt anything from this project, it is that i need to organise my time better and remain focused at the task in hand, this is something i will work on in future projects. 

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Planning Samples

This week I have began to plan my final samples, using techniques I have found to be most useful and link well with my work, as my subject is 'change' I want to use more than one technique in a sample - give the element of surprise, something you don't expect to be there.

I found planning them out to be useful and effective when it came to creating my samples.

I have also began to think about what my samples are for, and drawn up some idea's of what they could be developed into, taking into consideration the yarns i have used.

Wednesday 5 February 2014


 After this weeks tutorial, I find that i need to broaden my research and delve deeper into my subject area. so today I have started to look at skin, how it changes, up close all the shapes and marks - the colour's - shades and tones.

I plan to work from these developing techniques for possible knit samples and incorporating and creating a fresh updated colour pallet picking yarns i find suitable for its purpose and relation to the subject theme.