Wednesday, 30 January 2013


During my resarch i bought a book named 'the drawings book' in here i came across an artist named Michael Landy, his etched pencil on paper drawings in paticular. I find the use of shape and tone in his drawings really interesting. This made me look to my drawings and think about using pencil and more tone.
Michael Landy
Using Tone imitating shapes in drawings by Michael Landy.
I now intend to create/develop a series of small tonal drawings - using shapes and forms from my research.

Saturday, 12 January 2013


After many drawing studies on 'plant cells' I began to broaden the subject of 'plant data' and develop my research further by looking at the data of plants in one specific area. With this in mind I visited a nearby park.

Map of park.
At the park I began to collect data/research from the area circled in red, hear i found a large amount of chopped down trees with just the stumps left. but I found that the growth coming through from the stump was really interesting. I began to take photographs and various drawings.

Growth from inside a tree

tree parts

mushroom growth
mushroom growth on a stump

Thursday, 3 January 2013

When researching 'DATA' I began to think about 'DNA' and types of DNA. I soon came across a book named 'plant life by Roland Ennos & Elizabeth Sheffield, which had diagrams & pictures of 'Plant DNA'. I found these diagrams interesting as they reminded me of black fine liner drawings - I saw this as an opportunity to develop the shapes and forms further through my own drawings.

pages from 'plant life'

I develop various drawings from these pages using mix media including Indian ink, water colour, charcoal, graphite, pencil, Biro & mascara.

I first started to work with Indian ink & stick, i found the stick to be effective as it gave a variety of marks - a sense of uneven surface which worked well with the drawings in the book. 

The drawings below are both taken from cell drawings in the book.

I then developed my drawing further using an old mascara.


I liked the quality of line that the mascara produced and think that it captured the texture in the photographs in the book 'plant life'. I also think that the water colour worked well and gave it some shading.

Over the Christmas period i have created various studies from the book 'plant life' in a range of media. i know intend to take my own photograph of plant cells etc. and develop a colour palette. 

Examples of drawings.

oil pastels - black, greys & whites (grey scale) gave interesting tones.

working on newspaper, coffee stained background a study in Indian ink and white acrylic paint.