Today I met with my group, our task was to get to know each other,I think this is important as we have to work with each other for the next 6 - 8 weeks! luckily we all get on very well and we were able to jump right into this project and discuss the facts that we have found.
Everyone brought different and some very random facts to the table about 175 but one that stood out was '175mph wind speed' which is the highest wind speed recorded in this country.
we have all agreed to go away and research wind speed and then come together and share our idea's, as all will have a different/they're own take on wind speed.
i myself intend to look at how wind speed is recorded, as you can't 'see' wind but you can see it through charts that measure it.
I like the colours and the free flowing lines - this is only one type of wind chart, i intend to look at other ways of recording wind speed.