Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Yarn bombing i believe is also another type of 'temporary graffiti'. yarn also adds colour to things that it is knitted around, for example - a tree stump is dull & drab, but when yarn is knitted/wrapped around it, it becomes interesting! Colour tends to make people stop and look at something - especially if it shouldn't be there, they question it, why is it there? what is the point of it being there?

I think that using yarn to wrap/knit things with to create colour in random/odd places also will inject my skills into the group. 

Yarn Bombing Examples

This makes me think of the term 'Dressing The City' which indicates to 'Colour The City'

Yarn being wound around tree's also reminds me of artist's 'Christo & Jeanne Claude'

Christo & Jeane Claude

I came across these artist's when discussing wind speed in my group, they wrap and cover/cloak tree's & create curtains of fabric in unexpected and random places on a huge scale. they use the wind to pick up the fabric to create a ballooning affect.

You can see the tree silhouette through the fabric which i think is a beautiful effect, and would look amazing with coloured fabric wrapped over it - we could also wrap fabric around other objects such as, phone boxes, post boxes, seat , tables and so on... anything! why not?

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