Tuesday, 20 May 2014


I have found this project to be very challenging. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me new skills. I first found the thought of working with a group exciting, but if think my group took a while to get around to meeting up regularly and all doing our fair share of work, I feel that some have pitched in more than others. The latter half of the project I believe that we turned it around and produced an excellent portfolio of work. We have used all our strengths to our advantage, using all our best techniques to collaborate on a collection, which i believe is fantastic. I have learnt a lot from the other students I worked with on this project, my drawing and Photoshop skills have improved immensely, and I have been introduced to digital print. I have thoughally enjoyed this project and is think that my knit samples are very successful in that they are understated – simple but effective, especially my later ones which we have used majority in the final designs. On reflection I could have organised my time better, especially through the holidays so that I had time to do other things I had intended and could have developed my drawings further. I struggled with the technical drawings in this project, as I had never done them before, however with the help with the help of my group I was able to produce the flats of our designs for our final portfolio, which I was very pleased with. Overall, I think the project went very well, I have enjoyed it and look forward to collaborating with fashion students again.

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