Wednesday 15 May 2013


Today a 3pm the events team (Me, Camilla, Liam, Hannah and Olivia) met at the Bayhorse ready to construct our event, the first thing we did was put our work up, so me and Camilla got to work putting the 175 word weave in the window and the others put up the t-shirts and and sorted out the projector, everything went along smoothly the weave slipped between the two pains of glass in the window and was secured with fishing wire, the t-shirts were pegged on several washing lines in front of some mirror's. I thought the t-shirt's looked effective even without the video but once the video was projected onto it, it looked amazing! Once everything was put up we layed out the zine posters and I put some in the windows to advertise we were here.

The event was a great success the pub was booming and was very busy and a lot of people were interested and impressed by our work, Hannah and Camilla handed out wine at the event and we also had a DJ, it was a real celebration! I have enjoyed working as group on this project and I think we should all be proud of ourselves for working so hard and it had most definitely paid off!!

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