Monday 14 October 2013


Looking at the postcard I mind mapped what idea's ways of growing from it, after my tutorial I decided to take photographs around Manchester of points of interest - detailed landmarks/landscapes. I then cut them into snippets/strips and layered them together, taking note of the layers in the postcards. 

From these pictures I pulled out the recurring patterns/shapes and colour's.

From these patterns I particularly found the etching into the paint interesting, I intend to explore this further.

With my work taking a different direction, My brief has changed-

'Urban Influences. Artists who use the urban landscape to underpin their work are many and 
varied. Research, analyse and interpret an artists work of your own choice in order to 
develop a body of individual work of your own.'

this brief fits into the way my work is going and gives me means to develop my work further. 

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