Monday 22 September 2014

Summer Work

Over summer I looked at the fungus and mushrooms grown in the environment. I responded through this interest through taking photographs and responding to them through paint, biro and pencil. I also used coffee to capture the earthy colours. I particularly concentrated on the marks and textures of the fungus and growth. Through this response it gave me an idea to look at what a fungus is, ‘any of a group of unicellular, multicellular, or syncytial spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including moulds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools.’ Meaning that a fungus is a growth – something that is decaying or has decayed. I also looked at the scientific aspect of ‘fungi’, researching into the bacterial growth and the looked at the microscopic visuals of the cells.

 Here I focused on the movement and the more linier detail in the bark.

In my final year on this course I want to find my place in this industry, fashion is my interest and goal when designing and making, but I want to find out where I stand, and find designer’s that I feel are where I fit in the fashion industry. 

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